Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What are the benefits of breakers over fuses in my panel at home?
Fuses that are oversized do not provide adequate over current protection to devices and wiring. eg: A 20A fuse supplying power to a circuit designed for 15A. If the circuit has a draw of 18A, the fuse would not blow. The 15A wire would begin overheat. Undisturbed, the insulation would melt and eventually catastrophic failure would occur. This is how fires can start.
Fuses can be installed by the homeowner with ease. Installing fuses rated higher than the circuit wiring could prove fatal. When a breaker trips due to overcurrent, a larger size breaker cannot be installed by the average homeowner. Breakers offer adequate protection.
Fuses are safe and reliable when used properly.
Breakers are recommended over fuses by most home insurers because stats prove that home electrical fires are more common in homes with fuses as opposed to homes with breakers.
Question: I recently purchased a new entertainment system and surround sound that totalled thousands of dollars. It was recommended to me that I purchase a power bar with surge protection. What is your opinion?
I believe that surge protection is like insurance, it helps protect from loss when needed.
The most cost effective surge protection is whole house surge protection. This type of surge protector can be installed at the panel and it protects your entire home.
Question: What is the cost?
The cost typically is about $300-$500. This would include a 2 pole breaker, the surge protector and installation.
Question: My insurance company sent me a letter stating the house we purchased 2 months ago was in need of electrical repairs/upgrades. The letter stated that we had 30 days to remove all the knob and tube wiring and upgrade our service from 60A to 100A. My question is why are they insisting on these costly repairs and can they force me to get them done?
Insurance companies have countless stats that prove electrical damage and fires are more common in homes with the above deficiencies than in homes that have newer wiring.
Your insurance company can not force you fix your electrical system but if you want home insurance, you will have to comply.
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